The Research and Development lab (/rdlab) endeavours to enhance the research and technology transfer processes through a second to none IT support and services. We engage with your research because:
- We understand the research timings, needs and their constraints.
- Research is not a one size fits all business. We are aware of your research scope, tailoring our services and support.
- We are involved in your projects, teaming with you in order to provide the best solution.
- We provide individual technology consulting services for researchers, from the initial assessment of their proposals and tendering procedures, to the delivery of results.
Since 2010 we have consolidated a highly qualified team focused in the High Performance Computing and research cloud services. A continued economic investment in our IT infrastructure and facilities lets us provide the latest technology to multidisciplinary areas of Computer Science, such as computing, bioinformatics, genomics, natural language, or virtual reality.
During these years, we have teamed with several research groups from the UPC, other fellow European universities and prominent research centers. Here you can find a list of some of them:
GROUP | Description |
ALBCOM | ALgorithms, Bioinformatics, COmplexity and formal Methods |
CCIA | Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial |
CEAB | Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Blanes |
CERTEC | Centre d’Estudis del Risc Tecnològic |
CITCEA | Centre de Innovación Tecnológica en Convertidores Estáticos y Accionamentos |
DTIM | Database Technologies and Information Management Group |
GIE | Grup d’Informàtica a l’Enginyeria |
GITS | Grupo de Investigación en Transporte de Sedimentos |
GRPLN | Grup de Recerca en Processament del Llenguatge Natural. |
INTEXTER | Institute of Textile Research and Industrial Cooperation of Terrassa |
KEMLG | Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group |
LARCA | Laboratori d’Algorísmia Relacional, Complexitat i Aprenentatge |
LOGPROG | Lògica i Programació Informàtica |
MACDA | MAnagement of Complex DAta. |
MT | Machine Translation |
PADS | Process And Data Science |
SOCO | Soft Computing |
TALP | Center for Language and Speech Technologies and Applications |
VIRVIG | Visualization, Virtual Reality and Graphics Interaction |
VIS | Vision and Intelligent Systems Research Group |
Besides, the /rdlab has successfully collaborated in multiple national and European projects, delivering solutions to scientific and social challenges. Here you can find a list of some of them:
Project | Description | Research code |
3D4LIFE | Visualization, modeling, simulation and interaction with 3D models. Applications in life sciences and urban environments | TIN2017-88515-C2-1-R |
3DHFVR | Entornos 3d de alta fidelidad para VR | PID2021-122136OB-C21 |
ALGGEN | Algorithmics and Genetics Group | |
APCOM | APrendizaje y COMunicación | TIN2014-57226-P |
AUTAR | A Unified Theory of Algorithmic Relaxations | H2020‐648276 |
CAMOMILE | Collaborative Annotation of multi-MOdal, Multi-Lingual and multi-mEdia documents | |
CAREGIVERSPRO-MMD | Helping patients with dementia and caregivers connect | H2020‐690211 |
CIRC-BOOST | Boosting the uptake of circular integrated solutions in construction value chains | HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-02 |
CHIL | Computers in the Human Interaction Loop | |
Closing Gaps | USDA Forest Service | SERDP_RC201025_ClosingGaps |
COIN-GPCR | Computational Intelligence for Knowledge Discovery from G Protein-Coupled Receptors | TIN2016-79576-R |
COMMAS | Modelos y métodos computacionales para datos masivos estructurados | TIN2013-46181-C2-1-R |
DAMAS | A Declarative Approach to Model, Analyse and Solve problems | TIN2013-45732-C4-3‐P |
DEDS | Data Engineering for Data Science | H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 |
DIALCAT | La Diabetis com accelerador de deteriorament cognitiu i malaltia d’ Alzheimer: abordatge integral d’un problema socio-sanitari de primera magnitud a Catalunya | COMRDI15-1-0024-13 |
DOCTORAT INDUSTRIAL | 2013 2013 DI 062 | |
DOGO4ML | Development, operation and data governance for ML-based software systems Spanish project | PID2020-117191RB-I00 |
FATE | FAll DeTector for the Elderly | CIP‐297178 |
FAUST | Feedback Analysis for User Adaptive Statistical Translation | FP7-ICT-2009-4 |
FREETech | Razonamiento formal para tecnologias facilitadoras y emergentes | RTI2018-094403-B-C33 |
FORMALISM | Métodos formales y algoritmos para el diseño de sistemas | TIN2007-66523 |
GAISSA | Towards green AI-based software systems: an architecture-centric approach Spanish project | TED2021-130923B-I00 |
GEN3DLIVE | Generación, simulación y visualización de modelos 3D a partir de grandes conjuntos de datos | TIN2014‐52211-C2-1‐R |
GenomEDU | ||
GRAMM | Modelos y métodos basados en grafos para la computación en gran escala | TIN2017-86727-C2-1-R |
GRAPH-MED | Semantic graph extraction | TIN2016-77820-C3-3-R |
H3DViRViC | High fidelity 3D Virtual Reality environments and Visual Computation: geometry, movement, interaction and health visualization, architecture and cities | |
IDR | Improving dimensionality reduction projections for data visualization | |
I-DONT-FALL | Integrated prevention and Detection sOlutioNs Tailored to the population and Risk Factors associated with FALLs | CIP-297225 |
INTERACT | Helping computers comprehend human language | ERC-2019-STG E01415 |
IWALKER | TEC2011‐29106‐C02‐02 | |
KAPPA-AIM | Knowledge Acquistion in Pharmacoproteomics using artificial intelligence methods | TIN2012-31377 |
KNOW-2 | Desarrollo de Tecnologías Multilingües a Gran Escala para la Comprensión del Lenguaje Natural. | TIN2009-14715-C04-01 |
L4IDS | Learning for Innovative Design for Sustainability | |
LoBaSS | TIN2015-69175‐C4‐3‐R | |
LQMC | Lingüística Quantitativa, Matemàtica i Computacional | 2021 SGR 01266 |
Lunar | Lifelong UNiversal lAnguage Representation | ERC-agreement-947657 |
MACDA | Gestión y análisis de datos complejo | TIN2017-89244-R |
MOLTO | Multilingual On-Line Translation | |
MOTION | Modelos y Técnicas para el Procesamiento de Información a Gran Escala | PID2020-112581GB-C21 |
MTPIGE | Procesamiento de información a gran escala | PID2020-112581GB-C21 |
OpenMT-2 | Traducción automática híbrida y evaluación avanzada | TIN2009-14675-C03-01 |
PEPPHER | Performance Portability and Programmability for Heterogeneous Many-core Architectures | |
PERATALLADA el repte final | ||
PERMEPSY | Towards a personalized medicine to psychological treatment for psychosis | |
PRESENCCIA | Presence: Research Encompassing Sensory Enhancement, Neuroscience, Cerebral-Computer Interfaces and Application | |
PROMO | ||
RehAdapta | TEC2014‐56256-C2‐2-P | |
REMPARK | Personal Health Device for the Remote and Autonomous Management of Parkinson’s Disease | |
SALMon | Framework for monitoring QoS attributes of web services | |
SAMVA | Simulación, modelado avanzado y análisis visual interactivo de grandes conjuntos de datos | TIN2013-47137-C2-1-P |
SFERA-UPC | Métodos formales escalables para aplicaciones en entornos reales | PID2021-122830OB-C43 |
SHAREBOX | Secure Sharing | H2020-680843 |
SHOCKOMICS | Multiscale approach to the identificacion molecular biomarkers | FP7-HEALTH-2013-602706 |
SKATER | Scenario Knowledge Acquisition by Textual Reading | TIN2012-38584-C06-01 |
SweetLogics | LOGPROG: Logics and Programming | TIN2010-21062-C02-01 |
TACARDI | Traducción automática en contexto y aumentada con recursos dinámicos de Internet. | TIN2012-38523-C02-00 |
TASSAT2 | Teoría y aplicaciones en satisfactibilidad y optimización de restricciones | TIN2013-48031-C4-1-P |
TextServer | Platform that provides linguistic analysis of texts | |
TRICK | Empower Circular Economy With Blockchain Data Traceability | H2020-LCCI-2020-EASME |
UPCxels | Espacio de datos agroalimentarios analizados con IA | NextGenerationEU – TSI-100120-2024-0001 |
VESPRA | Vulnerable Elements Assessment | UCPM-101004896-VESPRA |
XLIKE | Cross-lingual Knowledge Extraction | FP7-ICT-2011.4.2-288342 |
XR4ED | eXtended Reality for Education | HORIZON-101093159-XR4ED |
Project | Stakeholder |
3dFirelab | CERFACS, CESBIO and UPC |
Aspectos físicos y tácticos del deporte | Fútbol Club Barcelona |
Convenio de asistencia técnica PROSAE | GRADIANT |
Desenvolupament de mostradors virtuals | INDO |
Descubrimiento de patrones | GAS NATURAL |
Desenv.algor.models 3D RHINOCEROS | SAGRADA FAMILIA |
Investigación en técnicas SAT y SMT | BARCELOGIC |
Ordenació territorial fluxos de pacients | SERVEI CATALÀ DE LA SALUT |
Path finding for SpatialOS | Improbable Worlds Limited |
Programación lineal y lower bounding | BARCELOGIC |
Ray-tracing techniques on GRIN lenses | LUXEXCEL Holding BV |
Contact us for more information. We want to hear from you!