The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC) is a public institution founded in 1984 committed with research and higher education in the fields of engineering, architecture, sciences and technology. Throughout these years, the UPC has become one of the leading technical universities in Europe. Currently we have over 30,000 students, 3,000 teaching and research staff and a 304M€ budget.

The Research and Development lab (/rdlab) was founded in 2010 as an effort to foster the research at the Computer Science (CS) department, formerly LSI department, and embrace the practices of excellence promoted at the UPC. We are focused on boosting the research and the technology transfer processes through a second to none specialized IT support. Our expertise areas are the High Performance Computing (HPC) and the research cloud services.
Over the years, since 2010, we have been successfully teaming with other universities and research centers in European research projects as well as Technology transfer initiatives with Hi-Tech companies.
On 2020 the /rdlab renews its corporate image, defines a new strategic plan and reaffirms its commitment with the UPC, the CS department and its engagement with research.
On 2023, the /rdlab adds the Desktop Support service for CS and ESSI departments.
Contact us for more information. We want to hear from you!