Hosting a public event with speakers is usually painful. Manual management in a “do it yourself” basis is time consuming and usually unmanageable. CloudSlide provides a full environment to deal with the whole process. From the initial contact with the speakers, the presentation gathering process and the notifications or reminders, to the delivery of presentations at the scheduled time to the designed computer at their session.
CloudSlide It is a web platform that takes care of every aspect related to the talks bringing “freedom” to the organizers and speakers. Letting you focus on relevant aspects of the event and not in the details.
For organizers:
- A friendly and intuitive web interface which allows to import an Easy Chair compatible congress schedule or CSV file
- Organizers can oversee presentations uploading and send reminders to “lazy” speakers (the platform automatically sends reminders last week and last day)
- A safe and trustworthy platform (https encryption)
- It allows multi-congress, multi-sessions and multi-organizers
- Passwordless safe access to speakers (no need to manage lost passwords)
- Available for every platform: Windows, MacOs, Linux, Android, iOS/IpadOS, …
For speakers:
- A friendly and intuitive web interface (DropBox/GoogleDrive style)
- Worldwide access. You only need a browser to use it
- A self-managed cloud storage (organize your files the way you decide)
- Passwordless safe access (encrypted communications)
- Co-authorship support (multiple speakers for the same speech)
- Last minute access (you can upload/modify your presentation until your session)
Among other events, CloudSlide has been successfully used in international events such as SODA17, BPM2017 and TSIUC 2018.

Contact us for more information. We want to hear from you!