Ready to help you with your research
Research cloud
A dedicated infrastructure tailored to provide flexible and scalable services for all your research needs.
Software development, databases, web services,...
High Performance Computing. Because sometimes the cloud is not powerful enough for research.
Massive executions, big data computing, machine learning, GPU computing…
MyDisk / MyTalk
A safe and trustworthy platform for all your research information and meetings.
Hosted at UPC facilities, the MyDisk and MyTalk services provides confidential worldwide access for your video conferences and your data without size limits.
Desktop Support
A specific service for our academic staff, that will provide a tailored and human centered assistance for your daily desktop needs.
We can help you!
A graphical solution to understand your HPC executions and discover their insights.
/rdlab free software development available for SGE and Slurm queue managers.
Free software
We are committed with free software, thus we release some internal applications under the GNU license.
Join us now and share the software
Since 2010
CPU cores
Secure your research
We self-manage our network as well as the physical and virtual servers belonging to our research groups in order to provide a flexible and scalable environment for any research need.
The /rdlab servers and services are located in Barcelona, at the main UPC datacenter facilities (Omega building). A 250m2 TIER II+ ANSI/TIA-942 certified space, with a dual cooling system, redundant power generator and a 24x7 monitoring service provided by UPCnet.
Our services rely, proudly, in free software initiatives :
- Lustre high performance parallel filesystem for the storage service.
- Slurm queue manager for our High Performance Computing system.
- OpenNebula platform to manage our Cloud environment.
- NextCloud for our MyDisk Service.
- Jitsi for our WebConference service.
And we provide a redundant 10Gbit network connection to the university network backbone.